Shoutout Out To The Problem Solvers
Shout Out To The Problem Solvers
This blog goes out to salute three groups of people doing their part to contribute to our collective battle versus the Coronavirus situation.
First, congrats and thanks to all whose job has been to stay at home with their families to minimize the spread of the virus and who have done that. Good work.
Second, full salute to all the essential employees who go into the battle every day in spite of personal risk to serve their fellow citizens: to the health providers, first responders, delivery drivers, grocery workers etc, thank you for your courage and commitment!
And third, last but not least, a major shout out to my fellow entrepreneurs! I have been so impressed with the way so many business owners have stepped up their game and found so many new ways to serve their customers and society, not just in spite of but because of the invisible enemy upon us!
I am not surprised; it’s what we do.
Entrepreneurs are problem solvers. By definition, like an old soldier who’s survived many battles, an entrepreneur that has survived the statistics of business success has solved many problems along the way. It’s what we do; ‘tis the way of my people.
As we continue to do so moving forward, it is our duty and responsibility to continue to evolve for the welfare of our collective good and to do what we need to do to serve each and every member of our communities superbly.
There are currently at least three types of people regards their stance towards the Coronavirus:
- The first group is sure that the worst is not over, and that our rush to reopen our businesses, economy and society is a foolish and dangerous decision. These people aren’t leaving their homes any time soon.
- On the exact opposite end of the spectrum are those that believe that the whole thing has been at worst a farce and at best an overreaction, and that we needed to reopen already if we even should have ever closed. These people believe that our civil liberties are being violated and are ready to get back to work and all their activities ASAP!
- In what I believe is the largest group, in the middle, people are cautiously optimistic and want to get back to their work and their life, but want to do so safely.
It is not my job to decide whom of these are right, and less so to give my opinion if I did.
My job is to serve all of these people, in all three groups! My mission is empowering lives through martial arts in whatever means necessary!
It’s the job of every entrepreneur and every leader, I believe; to serve our people where they’re at.
Krav Maga Martial Arts will accomplish this mission in three important ways:
- We will continue to provide an awesome and amazing live virtual training experience for anyone and everyone that chooses to continue training in that way- for however long they choose. We will also work hard to better communicate to all of our students and even future students that this way is available!
- We will reopen our physical dojo as soon as possible. We will do so in phases and exceeding the sanitation standards of the CDC, White House and State recommendations. We will do everything in our power to maintain all of the great things that make KMMA classes and communities great (just as we have and will continue to do with the virtual dojo), while also mitigating all risks.
- We will continue to evolve- learning, growing, deciding and acting- to continuously provide the best and highest level of martial arts and leadership instruction to all, just as our mission statement has directed us to do since it’s creation in October of 2000.
In spite of, and because of, this current test,we will create a 2020 that we look back upon as one of the great developmental breakthroughs for our mission and organization.
As the great coach Lou Hotlz has said, “Show me someone who has done something worthwhile, and I’ll show you someone who has overcome adversity.”
Stephen J. Del Castillo
Teacher, Author and Entrepreneur
Founding Instructor, KMMA