Peace: How To Create Yours In The Midst Of The Storm
How To Create Yours In The Midst Of The Storm
Peace is something we all seek. But often, when spoken of, the word ‘peace” is used to refer to the lack of conflict between people. The purpose of this blog will be to discuss inner peace and, I would argue, that’s the most important peace of all.
Especially in times of stress, the ability to find inner peace is important. This is important for everyone, for our personal health and well being, but especially important for leaders. The leader’s peace or lack thereof will transfer to those that follow. Leaders must be especially proactive about managing the energy they manifest and share with others.
There are many great tactics for dealing with stress and developing inner peace. I use prayer and meditation, martial art and exercise for a few. For the purposes of this blog and for this particular time, and the particular stressors we are all facing, I’d like to suggest four specific considerations:
- Circle of concern and circle of control. Imagine a venn diagram with two circles wherein one represents everything that you care about and the other everything that you control. It is only in the intersection of these two that you should invest your time and energy. The rest, especially in times like these, are only distraction and unnecessary stress.
- Control what you feed your mind. You’ve probably heard the expression GIGO- garbage in, garbage out. It’s even more true for human beings than for the computers we created. Especially now, be highly selective about the voices that you listen to. Not all of them have your best interest in mind. The primary motivation of most media, unfortunately, is to sell you on something and, even more unfortunately, the most common method used in modern times is through fear. Be aware and pay attention but limit the amount of “news” you listen to and be selective who you listen to. Also take advantage of the extra tie you may have to read more quality educational and/or inspirational books, listen to positive podcasts and watch positive programming. Make sure you consciously select what material you’re programming your mind with.
- Action. Focus on what you can and will do, not on what’s happening around you and never allow in the perception that something is happening to you. The power is found in “these are the circumstances and this is what I’m going to do about it”.
- Stay positive, stay fit and stay connected. Speaking of staying connected, this is why we created the KMMA Virtual Dojo and the KMMA Virtual Dojo Facebook Group! This is a place to continue to train and continue in the positive and empowering community of KMMA until we can come together in person again.
You know, I guess we are really applying all four of my suggestions above through the work we are doing.
We practice what we preach.
I am grateful to my Team KMMA Head Instructors and support staff for all the great work they are doing and we are all grateful to all of you for your continued loyalty and support while we continue our mission of empowering lives through martial art!
Grand Master Stephen Del Castillo