Meditations on Mastery

Is Every Day Exciting?


This morning on the way to take my grandson to school I asked him if he was ready for another exciting day of school for him and work for me.

He told me “that’s not exciting Buelo”.


At first I said nothing but the comment didn’t resonate right so I sensed I had a teachable moment at hand.

“Every day you go to school and I go to work, we both get a chance to learn more, become more and do more” I told him.

“Even after 51 years of life that opportunity still excites me every day”.



He got it. He usually does. Kids are pliable like that.

I wonder; do you still get excited about what you do every day?

If not, it may be time to have a teachable moment with yourself, a mentor, or God. We were all placed where we’re at for a reason.

Discover yours and go learn, be and do more every day. It is in growth that we find true excitement.


Grand Master Stephen J. Del Castillo, 7th Degree Blackbelt, MBA

Founder & Chief Master Instructor, Krav Maga Martial Arts



Join Me For A Tribute The Heroes of 9/11 and America Every Day

   A Free KMMA Community Event Tomorrow at 7pm

Students, friends, guests and all community families are invited.

More info and RSVP at the facebook event or call 813-948-4844