
How can I help you WIN?

Good Morning KMMA Family!

   It’s a great day to make it a great day! I look forward to seeing you soon, and helping you accomplish your goals! That’s what this email is all about. I teach a principle called What’s Important Next (WIN). What it basically says is if you focus on everything you focus on nothing.

So, in order to accomplish Big, Hairy and Audacious Goals (BHAG’s), you have to focus on just “what’s important next”.

  What goals did/do you have for 2020?

  • Do you want to lose weight and/or just get more fit?
  • Do you want to walk with confidence, KNOWING you can defend yourself and your family?
  • Would you like your child to be more focused and/or confident, to be a leader who says no to unhealthy peer pressure and excels in school?
  • Would you like more quality time with your family in a worthwhile activity?

My team and I can help you with ALL of these!

   What’s important next is to call me so I can answer your questions and set you up on a free 2 week VIP trial membership as my personal guest.

Call me at 813-948-4844. My name is Shihan Steve.

I can’t wait to help!