It’s Shihan Steve with KMMA. I hope that you have been staying safe, sane, positive and productive during the stay at home order, COVID and other surrounding the pandemic we’ve all been dealing with.
This weeekend I was saddened thinkin about all the small businesses going out of business during this time; some of them are personal friends of mine.
The I was reminded of the importance of staying focused on my mission and our most important tasks and one of these is getting us “open again” ASAP!
If you don’t know, we never really closed. I have been in the dojo all day every day doing the leadership and other functions that I always do, Shihan Harley has been doing an amazing job with our online dojo on-demand courses and new onlone store and Sensei Kyle and Sensei Sarah have been doing such an amazing job with our online virtual dojo and many, many students have been active and still progressing through this dojo and through this all.
Full salute (that’s our martial arts courtesy bow) to ALL of Team KMMA and ALL the great and loyal students who have continued on in the pursuit of Blackbelt Leadership Excellence through this all!
Having said this, I am also very excited to say that we are reopening the dojo in seven days!
Krav Maga Martial Arts physical dojo reopens Monday May 18!
The full schedule will be published Wednesday May 13.
I am super proud to announce our strategic partnership with Dirty Karma Cleaning to help us make sure that we are exceeding all CDC guidelines of cleanliness and contamination when we do.
watch a video message from Dan and Shannon of Dirty Karma here.
In addition to their cleaning and sanitation measures, here are some of the other precautions we are taking:
· our Director of First Impressions will greet all students, family and guests on their way in to take attendance and take temperature.
· we are leaving 15 minutes between every class so that the team can completly sanitize all Cafe surfaces and dojo training equipment between every class.
· while there is of course some contact in what we do, we are both controlling the curriculum and will be allowing students to do most of their practice with their own chosen training partners to minimize the exposure.
the leadership team was in working on the dojo this weekend! we can’t wait to open!
It’s also only 3 weeks until Summer Camp!!!
I know! This stay at home mess created a time machine! I can’t believe it’s summer either!
The good news is KMMA will still be conducting the BEST Summer Camp in Pasco/Hills county! We decided to stick to our popular Superhero theme again this year! It’s going to rock.
Your kids will have fun, make new friends, learn some awesome martial arts and other skills and develop superhero powers like confidence, focus, discpiline, courtesy, respect and leadership- as well as speed, power and how to fly! Click the link below to reserve your child’s spot!
KMMA Summer Camp 2020 Early Enrollment Special. (by the way, it’s of course no longer early enrollment, but I decided to still give you the bargain deal on the best camp given the situation)
Sensei Diego is one of the Superhero Summer Camp Sensei that teaches kids to fly.
I hope to see you soon!