
What Box Are You In?

    This is our new and improved attendance system.

Sometimes you have to go old school to be better!

I have been dissatisfied with our automated attendance system and missing in action procedures for some time.

Since one of my important roles is to keep you active training and on your way to Blackbelt, I had to find a better way- and this is it.

·        All student attendance cards begin in the A boxes each week. 

·        When students attend class, instructors pull and annotate their cards and move them to the B box. 

·        So, at any given time, I and the rest of the team can tell who’s made class and who’s been missing that week.

·        The goal is to move all the boxes from A to B over the week and keep you in the process of having fun, being your best and learning something new on your journey to Blackbelt Excellence or even Mastery!

·        The team and I will do everything in our power to help you do that! 

·        Read below for your part! 

What You Need to Do On Your Blackbelt Quest To Be Your Best

·        Get to class! Our program, and your progress, is based on you making 2-3 classes per week. 

·        If you are going to miss your assigned classes, be sure to get with Sensei Kyle or Sensei Sarah on when you are going to make it up! You need 8 classes per month to test for your performance stripe and 24 classes a quarter to test for your next belt.

·        And when you are in class, always do your best! As in all things in life, this is the secret to getting great!

What To Do If You Fall Behind

   Get back as soon as possible! You never lose until you quit.

·        We have collectively had all kinds of excuses to quit over the last few months, if that is what you’re going to do. But if you are reading this and have been inactive for a while, but aren’t a quitter, let us help you get back on track!

o   Email Sensei Kyle, Sensei Sarah, or myself so we can help you get a plan to get back to class! 

o   It’s a great time to start back as this is week one of the new training evolution! 

·        And if you fell behind on your rank progress plan towards becoming blackbelt (or your child did), there are options too.

1.  The road to success is not a destination but a journey, so option one is just to get back in class this week or next and make sure you are ready to test for your next rank in September! 

2.  There are also ways to get the training you missed and accelerate back to where you would have been though:

a.  Private lessons are a great way to make up the work and catch up the rank. 

b.  My Intensive Training Course or our KMMA Rank Camps are also great ways to compress time, doing the same work you would have done over a longer time faster.

Choose Your Dojo

   Live or Virtual, Same Training, Same Skills, Same Progress

Remember that you can train live at our dojo or live in our virtual dojo. Either method will keep you on track and growing towards blackbelt excellence!


    On the Quest!

     Shihan Steve


A Blackbelt is a whitebelt that never quit!

As Seen On:
