Summer Time!
Wow! I can hardly believe it’s almost summer!
I mean like less than 2 weeks away!!!!!
See this picture. What is it?
It’s like two people, young love, out enjoying a nice morning or afternoon run.
Doesn’t it look fun?
NO! Of course it doesn’t! I mean, running just isn’t that fun anyway AND it’s like 100 degrees around here in the summer time!
This would be miserable!
I point this out just to say that our Family Martial Arts program at KMMA IS Fun and is inside in our beautiful air conditioned state of the art training facility.
So skip the sun and get you some fun!
Click here for a 2 week free trial for yourself, your significant other and your kids; better yet, for your whole family!
Better yet, give me a call! 813-948-4844
If you’re already a student or have children that are but the whole family isn’t training yet, this offer’s for you too!