One Goal

One Team. One Family. One Goal.
When we speak of “Blackbelt Excellence” at Krav Maga Martial Arts we are alluidng to several things. Blackbelt excellence includes physical qualities like speed, focus, power, accuracy and intensity. It includes mental excellence including super power focus, modesty, integrity, perseverance and self control. It also includes relationship skills like courtesy, communication and leadership.
For the purposes of this blog, I am refering to Excellence the attitude. Attitude is a small thing that makes a big diference.
The late great Zig Ziglar said that “your attitude determines your altitude”. I agree.
The attitude of excellence we believe, profess, teach and exemplify at KMMA includes several things, including but not limited to positivity, kindness, compassion, drive and integrity.
The time is always right to do what is right. We can not control everything that goes on around us. The events unfolding around us, how other people behave and the things that happen are sometimes beyond our control.
But we can always choose our response to what happens, our own behavior, what we choose to focus on and how we show up for our children and others that we lead. People learn by what they see. The example we set when things don’t go our way, or even when we are hurt, angry or afraid is one of the greatest lessons.
Everything in life is a choice. We choose excellence.
Stephen Del Castillo, MBA, 7th Degree Blackbelt
Founder of KMMA
How Can We Serve You Best Today?
· We have an awesome summer camp for kids going on!

· We’d love the opportunity to train excellence with you and your family! Be my guest for your 2 week free trial!

· Fitness, fun and real world self defense?