Blog Martial Arts

On constant and Never-ending improvement

Another of the Blackbelt Leadership Principles We Teach AT Krav Maga Martial Arts is Constant and Never Ending Improvement (CANI).

I’m not sure if Tony Robbins actually coined this term or borrowed it like I did from him many years ago but, like so many of the leadership lessons we teach, it’s part of our system now.

CANI is for the student a system to constantly evaluate where he or she is and strive to become better. It’s useful in our martial arts, school, work, our fitness, interpersonal skills and any area of our life that we care to improve.


And at KMMA, we always practice what we teach.

That’s why KMMA is always improving. That DNA was built right into the mission statement that I wrote in 2000.

And we continue to evolve on our quest of constant and never ending improvement daily.


     I appreciate all the compliments from so many of you recently on our improvements to the system, facilities    and more.


As is my custom, I identify 2 or 3 key things every year we will set out to improve. In 2020 we greatly improved our facilities and team training systems, and also totally revamped our program with the introduction of our amazing Blackbelt Leadership Program and the introduction of both live virtual and on-demand training options! 

This year improvements will include (but of course not be limited to):

  1. The schedule.

  2. The uniform standard.

  3. Class management.


The Schedule.

  • We made 2 key class management improvements in 2020 which have proven to be useful:
    • We made almost all of our classes family classes, allowing families to all train together- which both improved convenience to the family, and also creates better bonding and retention for that family.
    • This also allowed us to break our classes into four levels so that every student can be learning exactly the curriculum they need.
  • While this change has greatly improved the experience for students (and even instructors) in all the classes that received the change, there were a few classes not affected by it.
    • The day classes were still a mixed group and thus never received the increase in training effectiveness and efficiency that the evening program has. I want every student to get the very highest level of curriculum and Blackbelt Leadership training and have so removed the day classes for 2021.This time will be allocated to staff training and development and other work that support our Mission of empowering lives through martial arts and Vision of improving individuals, families and society one Blackbelt at a time!
    • The other two exceptions are the Little Ninja and the adult only Krav Maga class.
      • While we are also keeping a Little Ninja class, it is important to note that the CANI evolution will be that students will only stay in that class as long as it takes to be ready for the Basic, Blackbelt Training or Blackbelt Leadership Training program with the rest of their family. As soon as the child masters the 4 Laws of Concentration and 7 Words of Respect well enough to begin higher learning effectively, they will move on in our program.
      • We will also keep a small number of adult only classes in the evening but these will not be broken by level, so students are encouraged to consider one of the Family Blackbelt Leadership training options.
        • Wherever possible families should train together and move through the ranks, from white to Blackbelt, together as a family.
        • It is important to note that classes will be broken into small groups by age/size, so everyone will be getting exactly what they need in this context as well. I’ll describe this more specifically in my class management section.
      • 2021 KMMA Class Schedule


The uniform standard.

  • Uniforms lend to order and discipline, unity and cohesiveness and create pride. Ours also look sharp. So, whereas we had allowed the uniform standard to slip this year, with many students training in whatever kind of pants and t-shirts, I am getting us back into a sharp and proper uniform standard in 2021. The Blackbelt Leadership Training students have already led the way with this, and the rest of the school will follow.
  • The uniform standard is as follows.
    • All students will wear white uniform (gi) pants. 
    • All instructors will wear Black uniform (gi) pants.
    • Basic Training students will wear a white uniform top (class A) or KMMA T0shirt (class B).
    • Blackbelt Training (BBT) students will wear a Black top and/or black KMMA t-shirt.
    • Blackbelt Leadership program students will wear a Blue top and/or blue KMMA Leadership t-shirt.
    • Master Instructor Blue tops also have a black lapel.


  • All students will receive the appropriate uniform as part of their enrollment or renewal to a higher program.
    • If you are receiving this and not part of our Blackbelt Training or Blackbelt Leadership Training yet, Blackbelt Goal Setting Season is the best time to apply! I will still talk to anyone that wants to learn more and see if they qualify for the rest of this year.
    • existing students who just need another uniform, or t-shirts, can order it here:
      Dress For Success (KMMA Uniforms)


Class Management.

  • Most of our class management systems are already amazing, but I have identified a couple that the team and I will be making even better in 2021.
  • The one I’ll share here is this- I removed all conflicting classes so that max instructor resources can be in every class. This means my Chief Instructor, Sensei Kyle Bierly, Head Instructor/Welcome Program Director Sensei Sarah Church, and a 3rd Sensei from the stable of greatness- including Shihan Del Castillo, Shihan C. Borton, Shihan Kremner, Sensei B. Borton, Sensei Meyers, Sensei Aiosa and others will be there as Assistant Instructors daily too!
    • So classes will 2-3 instructors in every class, as well as Blackbelt Leadership Training students helping out while they learn as part of the Certified Instructor Training (CIT) component that prepares them to be Sensei one day too!
  • More succinctly, our already great classes will just be even better that they’ve ever been before. CANI in action!


   Krav Maga Basic Foundations Program For Beginners/Future Students

               for Youth and Adults

                for children


AND FOR Students,

           I am posting yours on our private KMMA Virtual Dojo facebook page and a hidden web page coming soon!


And Your Opportunity to Gift Someone You Love! 

   (a great stocking stuffer for your KMMA enthusiast or a great start for your beginner!)

Private Lesson Special


———————————————————————————————————————- and Krav Maga Martial Arts have been empowering lives through the martial arts in the Tampa Bay area for 20 years!

Founded in 2000 by Grandmaster Stephen J. Del Castillo, a 7th degree Black Belt and Sr. Master Instructor, Krav Maga Martial Arts and Karate lessons for pre-school children ages 3-6 and elementary age kids ages 7 and up are designed to develop the critical building blocks kids need – specialized for their age group – for school excellence and later success in life.

Krav Maga Martial Arts Adult Krav Maga training is a complete adult self defense, fitness, and conditioning program for adults who want to learn real world self defense, lose weight, and/or get (and stay in shape).

If you have any questions about our program, or would like to go ahead redeem your 2 weeks FREE, you can call us anytime at 813-547-6368 or visit our Krav Maga Martial Arts website.

About Grandmaster Stephen J. Del Castillo: Grandmaster Del Castillo is the founding Master Instructor of Krav Maga Martial Arts and has been empowering lives in Pasco and Hillsborough Counties since October of 2000. He is a 7th degree Blackbelt, MBA, author, mentor and success coach, a US Army Veteran and a proud father and grandfather. He is married to Ms. Barbara Del Castillo who helps him run the school. Grand Master Del Castillo began his training in the early 80’s and has high level blackbelts in Tae Kwon Do, Karate, Premier Martial Arts and Krav Maga Martial Arts as well as experience in kickboxing, Jeet Kune Do and Jiujitsu. He has high level instructor certifications from BBSI, IKMF, and KMG and has been featured in numerous Martial Arts publications and also Success magazine. He was a competitive sport karate and American Kickboxing instructor until he enlisted in the US Army where he served in the 82nd Airborne Division, where he won an Army Green to Gold scholarship and proceeded to ROTC and the University of Tampa. He was commisioned in 1992 and went on to serve in Germany with the 3rd Infantry Division and then in several other posts in the US until he left military service to pursue his dream of creating KMMA in 2000.

The Krav MagaMartial Arts Headquarters is in Lutz, FL at 1900 Land O’ Lakes Blvd., 33549. Krav Maga Martial Arts serves Lutz, Land O’ Lakes, Wesley Chapel, and surrounding areas.

Also, check us out on Fun4TampaKids & on