Creating A Winning Culture
I woke up this morning thinking about how proud of and grateful for I am for all our great leaders and our awesome culture at KMMA.
Well, I actually woke up and meditated, prayed, read and exercised and then was listening to a podcast on the way to work that got me thinking about that; but still- of all the things I am proud of at KMMA, including our great classes and curriculum, fantastic facilities and more-
it is our people and our culture that stand out the most.
I’d like to share 5 things about our culture that I think make our dojo culture what it is:
- Servant Leadership– I know my job is to serve my team, and they know that their job is to serve our students and their families.
- Framily– My Executive Assistant Ruthe Flores wrote a great blog on what framily is that you can read here. We are one.
- The Power of Positive– We believe in looking for what’s right instead of focusing on what’s wrong. We create more of the same by this positive focus and we teach our team and our students to do the same. We know that we get more of what we focus on, so we choose to focus on the positive.
- Extreme Ownership– Our positive outlook doesn’t mean that we always get it right or that we are oblivious to what’s wrong. On the contrary, if anything happens negative in my organization, it’s my fault. All my leaders feel the same way. Thus, when we have a problem we see it as an opportunity to fix it. I was blessed with a terrible review on a class the other day. Our class reviews are almost always extremly positive so, when I saw a bad one, it got my attention immediately. I was able to identify the root cause of what this student was going through and help her recover. She blessed me with this email last night:
Grand Master,
5. A Focus On Growth- We believe that the personal and leadership growth of every student, team member and family in our dojo is part of our mission. We grow our leaders from within. The leadership and personal growth element that is part of our program helps prepare people to be better students, workers, leaders, parents and happier individuals while they also have fun, get fit and learn the most practical self defense.
In many cases, it also prepares them to become the instructors and leaders sowing into the mission and other students later on. Growing people is an important part of our culture for sure.
All of our instructors are products of our program
pic is of our Head Instructors: Sensei Kyle, Sensei Sarah and Shihan Harley
I believe that these five things are both the reason that we have such an amazing team and also the reason that our culture is so fun and so positive to be a part of.
I also believe that all of these truths are the manifestation of the mission statement I wrote twenty years ago: “to empower lives through martial arts”.
I am currently recruting our next team of leaders at KMMA. You probably don’t realize this, but we are always developing the next generation adn at least two levels down.
Email me or visit to schedule an interview if you’re interested in training to become a part of Team KMMA, for yourself or your child.
Grand Master Del Castillo
p.s. here’s the link to the podcast I told you about. Craig Groeschel is joined by Life.Church Team Development Leader Jerry Hurley to discuss how to build a value-driven team culture that filters down to every level of your organization.
p.s.s. here are a few great events coming up!
SPECIAL EVENT: Stand Up To Bullying
Valentine’s Day Parents’ Night Out
Krav Maga Martial Arts | 1900 Land O Lakes Blvd | Lutz | FL | 33549 | Phone: 8139484844
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