Blog Martial Arts

Congrats and CANI


   I’d like to begin this email by congratulating ALL my students who tested and graduated to next steps in the Blackbelt Leadership process this week! Graduation for all levels, beginner though Blackbelt, is this Friday night! Friends, family, teachers and guests are invited to help us celebrate your success!


One of the Blackbelt Leadership lessons we teach at Krav Maga Martial Arts is CANI- Constant and Neverending Improvement. Succinctly put, CANI is a state of mind in which “good enough” is the enemy of excellence, and we constantly strive to be better than we were before. KMMA students, embracing The Law of the Process to grow through levels of rank and ability to Blackbelt and beyond, are a perfect example.


When a student begins in my program, they start in our Basic Training program. Here the student is introduced to our system, to the 7 Words of Respect and The 4 Laws of Concentration, to our Team and community, and to the Blackbelt Leadership process that will qualify them to train to Blackbelt and beyond. Students begin to develop the 6 Foundational Superpowers (Focus, Respect, Discipline, Confidence, Gratitude and Vision) and learn to control their own body and mind.


Some students qualify for and promote into our Blackbelt Leadership Training Program, where they will develop the mental and physical skills to train to Blackbelt and beyond, continue to develop their superpowers and learn leadership lessons that will grow them into leaders at school, business, church, in sporting and other communities and in life.


There is a lot of growth and development that happens on this journey of excellence and, through the law of the process and CANI, students grow into Blackbelt Leaders!

Blackbelt leaders are in control not only of their own thoughts, actions and behavior, but also learn to lead others. They evolve from students to joint actors in our mission to Prepare to Live and Empower To Lead!


   Congratulations to our 5 new KMMA Junior Blackbelts!

These young leaders have accomplished so much on their quest so far, while they’ve only just began their Blackbelt Leadership journey! I’ve seen each and all gain Focus and control of their bodies and minds; most have grown from Little Ninja who started not able to sit still through a class, to leadership by example, exhibiting the Superpowers of Focus, Respect, Discipline and Confidencein not only in their martial arts classes, but in their schools too!      Congratulations Joseph Diamantopolous, Lawrence Finnerty, Zachary Glen, Luke Sullustio and Matthew Zheutlin!

Now they begin their Junior Blackbelt training evolution to become Certified Blackbelts, 1st Degree, over the next two years.

In that time they will continue to improve their kickboxing, self defense and other martial arts physical skills but, more importantly, continue their quest for Constant and Neverending Improvement as leaders. On the journey from white belt beginners to Junior Blackbelts, they learned to defend and to lead themselves. On this next training evolution, they will continue to improve that and also develop the skills to defend and lead others.

Congratulations to our new adult Probationary Blackbets: Ruthe Flores, Gabby Gray, Anna Mathura, Alex Sallustio, Christina Sallustio, Jake Sallustio and Charlie Wittwer. They are strong, fit, disciplined and confident leaders and over the next year will continue to refine their martial and leadership skills to prepare for their 1st Degree Certified Blackbelt test and begin their next training evolution of the Blackbelt Leadership journey and Certified Instructor Training (CIT)!

Congratulations to our new Certified Blackbelts, Huntley Gallimore and David Giusto, who will continue to hone their martial and leadership skills and also begin their instructor training phase on the way to becoming Blackbelt Leaders and and Certified Instructors!


And congratulations to our new 2nd Degree Blackbelt Leaders, Brittany Bishop, Tammy Henrici, Shannon Hoffman, Phoenix McKinney and Umberto Rivera, and also new Senior Blackbelt Winston Del Castillo who earned his 3rd Degree!

These all ascend to Sensei status and begin their Master Quest!

I am so proud of, grateful for and impressed with this whole group. From our youngest Junior Blackbelts, who are 8, to our oldest Blackbelt Leaders, Umberto who is 67 and Phoenix who is 72,

each and all not only demonstrate Blackbelt Leadership Excellence and the cumulative affects of CANI,

but also that there are no real limitations to Blackbelt Leadership Excellence or to Constant and Neverending Improvement- nobody is too young or too old, too unfit, too ADHD, too timid or too anything…..

these and every other condition can be either a reason or an excuse.


Only one choice leads to Constant and Neverending Improvement.


Grand Master Stephen J. Del Castillo

Author, MBA, 7th Degree Blackbelt

Founder & Chief Master Instructor,

Krav Maga Martial Arts






Speaking of CANI, this camp was amazing, as all have been; but we did our After Action Review (AAR) and have plans to make the next one even MORE so! Next camp and Blackbelt Leadership Weekend is in September.


An Investment With 20% ROI Guaranteed!

There is lots of speculation and discussion about the investment markets right now, but I know one place where you can earn 20% return gauranteed!

When you finance your own training rather than making monthly payments through the school, you save 20%!

This means you can take your tax return, stimulus or just some money from your own savings or another investment and turn it into an investment gauranteed not only yield a 20% savings, but also to yield fitness, self defense, leadership and life benefits worth so much more.

The savings is available to both existing and future students.

Just email Ru***@Ta***********.com if you’d like to schedule an appointment to see how much you can save! and Krav Maga Martial Arts have been empowering lives through the martial arts in the Tampa Bay area for 20 years!

Founded in 2000 by Grandmaster Stephen J. Del Castillo, a 7th degree Black Belt and Sr. Master Instructor, Krav Maga Martial Arts and Karate lessons for pre-school children ages 3-6 and elementary age kids ages 7 and up are designed to develop the critical building blocks kids need – specialized for their age group – for school excellence and later success in life.

Krav Maga Martial Arts Adult Krav Maga training is a complete adult self defense, fitness, and conditioning program for adults who want to learn real world self defense, lose weight, and/or get (and stay in shape).

If you have any questions about our program, or would like to go ahead redeem your 2 weeks FREE, you can call us anytime at 813-547-6368 or visit our Krav Maga Martial Arts website.

About Grandmaster Stephen J. Del Castillo: Grandmaster Del Castillo is the founding Master Instructor of Krav Maga Martial Arts and has been empowering lives in Pasco and Hillsborough Counties since October of 2000. He is a 7th degree Blackbelt, MBA, author, mentor and success coach, a US Army Veteran and a proud father and grandfather. He is married to Ms. Barbara Del Castillo who helps him run the school. Grand Master Del Castillo began his training in the early 80’s and has high level blackbelts in Tae Kwon Do, Karate, Premier Martial Arts and Krav Maga Martial Arts as well as experience in kickboxing, Jeet Kune Do and Jiujitsu. He has high level instructor certifications from BBSI, IKMF, and KMG and has been featured in numerous Martial Arts publications and also Success magazine. He was a competitive sport karate and American Kickboxing instructor until he enlisted in the US Army where he served in the 82nd Airborne Division, where he won an Army Green to Gold scholarship and proceeded to ROTC and the University of Tampa. He was commisioned in 1992 and went on to serve in Germany with the 3rd Infantry Division and then in several other posts in the US until he left military service to pursue his dream of creating KMMA in 2000.

The Krav MagaMartial Arts Headquarters is in Lutz, FL at 1900 Land O’ Lakes Blvd., 33549. Krav Maga Martial Arts serves Lutz, Land O’ Lakes, Wesley Chapel, and surrounding areas.

Also, check us out on Fun4TampaKids & on


