Blog Martial Arts

Beware Success

KMMA Leadership Lesson of the Week- Beware Success

     Last week’s embrace the struggle lesson in case you missed it

   The road to success is not  a destination but a journey

  • I believe that’s because we are never meant to stop growing or achieving
  • “It’s a dog’s life”
  • Unlike every other animal we have free will, intellectual and moral thought, and the drive, desire and ability to shape our destiny through our thoughts and actions.


I believe that it’s only in that pursuit, in the progressive realization of worthy goals that move us in the direction of our destiny, that we are happy and content.


So where last week’s lesson was about embracing the struggle, this week’s is about never being lulled into the trappings of success. Real contentment isn’t there.

  • Celebrate your successes; that’s important. But never celebrate or rest too long. (direct proportion to the accomplishment- i.e. the evening for that day’s goals, a day for a great week and a week for a successful quarter)
  • Never accomplish your goal without having set the next one
  • Happy but not satisfied
    • Complacency is the enemy
    • Lack of action breeds inaction
    • We are designed to be growing in life, in knowledge, wisdom, maturity and success.
    • Embrace growth, struggle and life long learning
    • Don’t retire, transform…..the only happy people i’ve met in retirement were still pursuing some purpose, rather still chasing a dream or in giving back. On the other hand I know many that are bored and bitter in the end.
      • Not saying you have to work forever- it can be something else
      • But we do have to have something to give ourselves to- for some it’s the grandkids, or others something else they always wanted to do, like travel and for some it’s mentoring the next generation of knights doing the thing that they did- my goal is to have time and money freedom for all 3 of these
  • In conclusion, the lesson is that we need to go from goal to goal and make success a pleasant transition to the next level each time, instead of a destination that we stop at. In this way, we’ll be happier, more successful and even more of a blessing to those we serve along the way.


This is Shihan Steve of KMMA


Prepare to Live, Empower To Lead


And Make it a great day!




What Do You Want To Know?


There is so much on the internet these days, and even so much email coming into our inbox. So, as I attempt to accomplish my goal of providing really meaningful and worthwhile content to you- the kind you’ll choose to read and listen to in spite of the amount of noise and busy-ness competing for your time- I decided on a very sophisticated idea to choose correctly.

I’ll ask you.


So what would you like to see me teach? I am an expert in martial arts and self defense, leadership and empowering people to be their best.  I can of course teach on developing the Blackbelt Superpowers I teach about in my book: Focus, Respect, Discipline, Confidence, Gratitude and Vision.

I also know enough to be helpful in important areas like raising children, living up to our potential and calling, physical training methods to become better physically and mental training for stress relief and inner peace.

I am also growing daily in my abilities as a marketer and a businessman, as well as how to create and serve my tribe.


I’m able, willing and excited to share more on any of these things with you.

I also want to be respectful of your time and attention.


I’d like to get to know you better and to better serve your needs.


Thank you in advance if you are willing to share.

Just reply to this email and your input comes right to me!


What’s Important Next?

So, as pertains to this week’s lesson of the week, what’s important next in your life?

That would be a valuable question for you to answer.  To create the progressive realization of our worthy goals, we have to know what’s important next.


By the way, if you’re not a student yet, and you like the teaching I share and have a goal to become a Blackbelt and live a life of Blackbelt Leadership excellence (or have that goal for your kids), what’s important next is to get started! 


If you are a student in my Basic training program, what’s important next is to qualify for and begin your Blackbelt Leadership training! And, of course, to earn your next belt.


And, if you’re a Blackbelt Leadership family, your next goal is to continue your progress- in the martial arts, your self defense skills and especially your leadership development- towards the goal of becoming a Blackbelt Leader!

Perhaps it’s also to start my Certified Instructor Training (CIT) and to become a KMMA instructor one day!

Share your goals on the KMMA Blackbelt Leadership page! 

