911 Tribute #NeverForget
I wanna thank my son Shihan Harley Del Castillo for creating this tribute for me, which we played in the dojo (academy) on 9/11 3 years ago.
Of course I also wanna thank all the American heroes that served that day, many which made the ultimate sacrifice, and all the heroes that continue to serve today.
I remember where I was that day, as you all do who were alive then.
I was in my dojo running my kata (training) when “Matt the Marine”, the recruiter next door who also happened to be my friend and student came running over to tell me to follow him back to his office to see what was happening…
I got there right as the second tower fell.
I remember praying about what to do that night.
Should we close or stay open and teach classes as always.
I decided that we needed to be there more than ever. Our students needed us to provide some solace, some sanity and some leadership in the midst of the chaos and rampant emotion.
We draped a large flag over the mirror and, at every class that evening, prayed, had a moment of silence…
then I addressed the students and their families, doing my best to inspire courage and encourage my fellow Americans to go doing what we are called to do. To falter in the face of terror is to give the terrorist the win at what they intend to do.
Anyway, it’s what we do every year since too.
I will be at a 9/11 Memorial tonight.
And then I’ll stop back by the schools too.
My teams at each location will drape the flags and start with a moment of silence and a few words, and then the tribe will train.
We hope to see you.
Prepare To Live; Empower To Lead!
Grand Master Stephen J. Del Castillo
Founding Master Instructor, Krav Maga Martial Arts
TampaKravMaga.com StephenDelCastillo.com