martial arts

December 18, 2020
Lions, and Tigers, and Squirrels, Oh My!
Focus is the ability to block out distractions and concentrate on what’s important. We teach this foundational truth to students from the…

December 17, 2020
The greatest gift
Instead of buying your children all the things you never had, you should teach them all the things you were never taught….

It’s a kind of magic
People say that respect is earned; but I believe respect is learned. Unfortunately, we see far too little of it…

December 15, 2020
A Family Affair
Yesterday I started with a reference to the classic serial of our mothers, Days of Our Life, and today I lead with…

December 14, 2020
The 12 Days of Christmas, Day 1
For the next 12 days, I want to do something fun in the spirit of giving. Every day, starting today and finishing on…

December 10, 2020
Happy Hanukkah!
Team KMMA and I would like to wish a very Happy Hanukkah to all our Jewish students, families and friends! Our…