martial arts

May 2, 2022
Own It
I woke up feeling terrible this morning. My stomach hurt, I was weak and mucousy, tired and hungry. It was not…

April 28, 2022
Producing Leaders
I love this quote from my friend John Maxwell. We are studying his 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership in our Blackbelt Leadership…

April 27, 2022
The BEST Summer Camp
There are still a few slots left for THE BEST summer camp of 2022! Kids will make new friends, get a…

It’s up to God and it’s up to You
This morning while shaving my head, and simultaneously meditating and talking to God like I do, I had a revelation. I want…

April 26, 2022
I’m Proud and Grateful for These Blackbelt Leaders
As you know if you know me, I love leadership. And as you should also already know, what I love most is…

April 20, 2022
It’s My Birthday
Hey, I’m sorry this is like the second or third email you got from me today…. But thank you for taking the…