martial arts

July 31, 2023
Happy Birthday
Today I wanna wish two great KMMA celebrities Happy birthday. My brother (from another mother) and KMMA Chief Instructor Sensei Thomas turns…

Pay it Forward
I hope you had a great summer! Now it’s time for Back to School! 1. I wrote a book about Focus, Respect,…

July 25, 2023
That’s Why They Call It a Test
Krav Maga Martial Arts are stripe testing next week… that’s not a really hard one. But it’s important. The stripe test is…

Don’t Be So Efficient
hello tribe, This is going to be one of those lessons that came to me and, as soon as i started writing…

July 22, 2023
Got Camp?
First off, congratulations to all the campers that had fun, trained hard and learned something new at the Summer Leadership and Rank…

July 20, 2023
Proactive Punch
I started my video message earlier today with the phrase “everything happens for a reason and serves me well, and sometimes it’s…