Karate for Kids

July 27, 2020
What Are You Gonna Do?
I had the great privilege of training with, and being coached by, the late great Joe Lewis- 7x kickboxing champion of the…

Be The Change You Wish To See In The World
Turns out Mohandas Gandhi didn’t actually coin the term I used in the subject line; Arleen Lorrance did many years after his…

Back 2 School For The Kids & Back To Work For You!
If you do have kids, it’s back to school time. No matter how confusing the choices are, the time is still…

January 28, 2015
Training Hard for the Respectable Work Ethic
The old adage that “hard work never killed anybody” remains a fact today. Just like seeds need to be planted early in…

Teaching Children the Nature of Respect
In many ways it seems that we live in an ever-worsening culture of crude, rude, and vulgar speech and behavior. Respect now…

Teaching Children About Honor
“Honor” is a word that we hear today primarily in relation to the brave men and women of our armed forces, and…