martial arts

Superpower #3: Discipline CHAPTER 3 Foundations Superpower #3: DISCIPLINE “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on,…

Superpower #2: Respect
Today we talk about the second of our 6 core Blackbelt Superpowers- Respect. As the meme above alludes, we develop two…

When I first told people that I was writing a book on developing Blackbelt Superpowers, many were confused what I was talking…

Spring into summer
This morning, I Googled the question “what does Spring represent?” and this was the answer: Spring Joy and Love Themes of…

Important reminders about this week
hello KMMA and Future KMMA Family! It’s Bonus Week and Open House! There has never been a better time to come…

Congrats and CANI
Congratulations! I’d like to begin this email by congratulating ALL my students who tested and graduated to next steps in the…