martial arts

Can U Punch Like a 12-Year-Old? You’re receiving this email because this address was submitted via our website or you provided it to us during your visit…

Artix Speaks
I am so proud of my friend Artix, aka KMMA Master Instructor, Shihan Adam Bohn. He is an extremely successful entrepreneur, an…

On Graduation
So I was thinking about graduation this weekend… it’s going to be awesome by the way! Great demonstrations by students and Blackbelts,…

The Blackbelt Superpowers…an Origin Story
I want to share an interview from a couple of years ago, when Chief Master Greg Moody interviewed me about the release…

Summer Camps 2023…Only a Few Slots Left!
Krav Maga Martial Arts Summer Training & Leadership Camp (June 12-23 2023) Krav Maga Martial Arts Summer Training & Leadership Camp (July…

Training Opportunities this Summer!
Save $100 off the June mini-camp or Fall Krav Camp with coupon code “March”! June 2023 Mini Camp FALL Krav Camp…